Thursday, November 11, 2010

Essentials in a Japanese teenager's lifestyle

A regular teenager's lifestyle consists of Sports, Hobbies, the Japanese believe having a hobby is a way for a person to gain a sense of individuality. Popular Japanese hobbies are having tea ceremony's also known as Sado, ikebana which is cutting flowers in vases and other containers, and calligraphy.
Education is very important to Japanese people. Japan has one of the highest literacy rates and 98% of students complete high school. The school year starts April 1 and ends March 31. Summer holidays are in August and they also have a holiday at New Years. Japanese children spend many hours in school and many attend Juku, extra classes in the evenings and during holidays. 


  1. Everything you've posted about Japan so far I have liked but reading there teenage life I dont. It sounds so boring and restricted just school and sports. The school year sounds awful but its the reason why they have the 98% rate of highschool passers! I'd rather go to school in Japan and have my social life added to Japan. I wonder how there cheerleading team is...hahha

  2. I agree with Ashley. All of your posts have been very interesting but their lives seem very boring and they are clearly dedicated to school. If they had a summer vacation I’m sure that the literacy rate would go down.
