Thursday, November 4, 2010


A Kimono is is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children. The Kimono used to be a daily wear in Japan during the Heian period. They were influenced by Chinese han clothing which are today known as hanfu. Traditionally, kimonos are sewn by hand, but even machine-made kimonos require substantial hand-stitching. A woman's kimono may easily exceed up to $10,000 in US dollars. A complete kimono outfit, with kimono, undergarments, obi, ties, socks, sandals and accessories, can exceed up to $20,000. By the 1900's Japanese people started to wear more westernized attire. Kimonos are still worn today during tea partys, by modern Geishas, at funerals and during the summer they usually wear a modern form of Kimono now known as Yukata.
Kimonos are so fancy and cool I wish I owned a few.


  1. Kimonos are such a beautiful aspect of Japanese culture, but I was not aware they can reach up to almost $20,000 in cash. This is obviously an outrageous price for such a garment, but with sandals, ties, socks, and similar articles of clothing included, I could understand why the price is so high. It is amazing to think that some kimonos are stitched all by hand, because the detail on most of them is extremely intricate. Overall, kimonos are pretty garments that are a staple throughout Japanese culture.

  2. This change of attire has happened in many cultures, and in my opinion, things haven’t changed for the best. It would be great if the Japanese would continue these beautiful traditions in their daily lives. In my experiences, I have learned that we all dress less formally every day. For example, my grandma was taught to dress with only the finest she owned when she stepped in an airport. Nowadays, many teens show up with sandals and socks.

  3. I like this blog because it teaches me new things I have never heard about before. Like this, $10,000 for a kimono? I was shocked, I found them to be a fancy style of clothing but I had never seen a price range for them. It is very eye-opening to be able to see something like this. Even $20,000 for a kimono, seems shocking to me. In America we already spend so much money on clothes and fashion, but I don't know if the clothes can compare to a price tag of $20,000. This was pretty cool to read about, because like you, my older sister has always had a fond interest for Asian/Japanese culture. Her birthday was coming up and I was thinking of buying her a kimono, but I think I'm going to think of getting her something a little bit cheaper.

  4. I recently did a blog post on Geshas so I found this really interesting because I didn't focus too much on what they wore. Also, it is crazy that they cost so much money! Can you imagine paying $20,000 for an outfit. I am glad that this has stayed in their culture because they are so beautiful. I wonder how many Kimonos most women in Japan have.

  5. It's interesting how you guys always comment on prices
