Thursday, November 18, 2010


Japan is very bold when it comes to style, here are some weird trends that you might find either enjoyable or repugnant or both, to look at.. ... The first one's kinda cool
picture credits


  1. I didn't find any of these images repugnant, on the other hand I saw it as eye-opening. We are able to see the different cultures all around our world, how our view of fashion differs from others.I know that if someone dressed like that here in the U.S they would be extremely criticized by their peers, simply because it is not accepted. On the other hand,over in Japan this is just another trend and is completely normal.

  2. Wow!! That was definetely not what I was expecting. I mean, I wasn't disgusted by the images but I was a little shocked to see these fashion trends. They are definetely unique and very interesting. Although I did not like these trends at all I do give credit to the women that wear these because they've got to have balls to go out in public like this. I mean they show their butts to the public like it's an everyday thing. I guess this is a great example that shows how cultures are different all around the world, and that what may be offending to some might seem like a casual thing to others.

  3. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How can these be trends?? I can't imagine walking around seeing everyone's butt and it being attractive. Although some boys today think that showing everyone what brand boxers they have is cool -___-, I can honestly say I don't understand it. But, I guess everyone has what they like and for the Japanese culture this is it for them.
